
Nar3: Japan

Computer frustrations
Posted on Sunday, March 28th, 2004 at 2:52am by Brett.
(Sunday, March 28th, 2004 at 4:52pm Japanese Standard Time)

It all started with a simple email. I wanted to email my academic advisor at OSU to get some info about the classes I need to take next year...but I couldn't because I remembered that I didn't have the SMTP server on nar3 set up. SMTP servers transport email from either your email client, or from email server to server. I have the server to server bit working, but the client to server part has me stumped. If any one there knows how to set up an exim 4 mta, give me an email. (The first person that says RTFM or sends me a link to online documentation will be hurt.)

Along with exim giving me woes, the time on the new nar3 server is all kinds of messed up. I have no idea where PHP is getting these times for the posts and everything, but I'm looking into it...

In other news...

Break is coming to an end...bah. It was nice while it lasted, and I'm not really ready to get back to class. Yes, I know the webcam has been off during break, and I haven't posted, but I'll start back up...

The webcam, though, might take a bit. Over the break I reinstalled debian to my laptop, and forgot to backup some of the programs I was using to upload the webcam images. The linux driver for my webcam sucks pretty hard, so I've been using vmware to run Windows to run the webcam. This is not something I want to continue doing. Windows sucks, and it sucks system resources from my linux box that can be better spent on my 3d screensavers. Anyway...I'll figure something out soon....