
Nar3: Japan

Good Story
Posted on Sunday, October 19th, 2003 at 5:42am by Chad.
(Sunday, October 19th, 2003 at 6:42pm Japanese Standard Time)

I must say Brett, good story, just dont ever go to an Onsen, its pretty bad there. And people have no shame in staring directly at your business. Ive been to 2 of them, and its not exactly where its at. Especially if you cant take public showering in general. I can hardly stand it myself, but I try to tone it out and think about something cool like Santa Claus or something, maybe even how dumb of an idea breakdancers are. That usually makes things ok.

P.S. I think the French guys in my dorm hate me...because Im American, and Im by default better. I cant help it, but they hate it, something about politics I guess.