
Nar3: Japan

2 Months???
Posted on Thursday, November 6th, 2003 at 11:11pm by Brett.
(Friday, November 7th, 2003 at 1:11pm Japanese Standard Time)

I've been here over two months already! Things have gotten pretty much settled in. My room feels more like home than it did...uh...than it did when it wasn't, I suppose. Having the internet in my room helped a lot. Home is where the harddrive is. ...And the high speed internet connetion...

This month should be a lot of fun. I start playing with the orchestra on Monday, so that should be at least exciting. I'll be the only foreigner. Yikes.

Toward the end of the month I'll be going on a trip to Kyoto. It's during our break, so I'm not missing any classes. Hopefully it'll be as much fun as everyone says!

Tonight I'm going to go to one of my student's houses. I tutor a couple people in English, and one of them has invited me for dinner at his house. I'm hoping I'll be able to remember all the Japanese etiquette and ritualistic language.